Australia is developing new principals
Last Updated On: July 10, 2017 by The Migration Translators

Australia is developing new principals
Being sent to the principal’s office has traditionally been bad news for students (and their parents); however Australia is developing an innovative approach towards student-teacher relations. They are giving students the opportunity to be a principal for a day. During this time, they will need to hold an assembly, join in a staff meeting and visit classrooms. The office is open to both primary and secondary students, who will be encouraged to contribute their views to debates on education. It is hoped that the experience will lead students to think about education in general and potentially to consider a career in it, or at least to have a better appreciation of the work of staff in the field.
When considering a move to Australia, the options for education are often very important to people with families, or who are thinking about starting one. They can rest assured that Australia has a number of excellent educational facilities for children as well as top universities. While English is the main language, there are schools which teach in other languages. Enlisting the services of an experienced NAATI translator during the migration process will help ensure there are no hold-ups due to a language barrier.