8 Key Rules for Global Translation

In the competitive world of translation a NAATI translation is the highest quality you could ever expect to get and anyone choosing this translation service in Australia won’t fail to be a success.

Quality assurance (QA) is a term used in the translation industry that indicates how well a translator has been able to match a client’s requirements. QA is a guarantee offered by any company that is qualified to undertake a NAATI translation.

There are many global companies that need that QA as they sell their products to a global market. These include reputable car companies such as Volvo and Ford. There are various ways that professional translation services meet QA which include

  • Accepting jobs that suit the translation company’s specializations. This means asking the client to present a copy of the document before agreeing to undertake a job. Taking on a translation without viewing the text first could make it more difficult to guarantee QA.
  • With all translations it’s to use TM software like Wordfast, SDLX and Trados, which helps to ensure small mistakes are not made. This software breaks up the text to be translated into sentences so that it is virtually impossible to miss any text. The text should be thoroughly proofread after the NAATI translation is complete.
  • If you are unsure of any part of the text you should ask the client to clarify before going any further. Your client wants QA just as much as you do. Not all source texts are necessarily written well even in their own native language. This means you could make mistakes if you don’t check first.
  • If you think you need to, find a good second translator to go over your final translation of a text. This will be the best way to gain the QA label.
  • If your translation is to be aimed at corporate clients ensure that you use the correct terminology that fits the particular client.
  • Make sure you know the target audience for the particular translation job so that your translation will be in the language that suits that audience. This means knowing which country the target audience lives in.
  • Understand precisely what the audience expects to get from the translation. There are some texts that are expected to be informative while others may have the aim of trying to persuade the audience to buy a product. This will determine the language register that is the most suitable.
  • In some complicated translations where making a mistake could be dangerous to the audience such as a medical translation it is a good idea to test the translation on a few people who may read it and give their comments. These people are called “test readers.”In summary, NAATI translations are great because the QA is always present.

Translating for the Local Market may be Beneficial

A content translation moves businesses ahead

These days a business’s website is the main method of marketing its products whether they are tangible products or services. A potential customer whether looking for something in their local area or overseas gets out their smartphone and puts in a search and that’s often the first point of contact they have with the product. Interestingly English is not the only language used on the Internet. In fact, more than 50% of Google searches take place in a language other than English. Any business that doesn’t take advantage of this apparent fact and fails to translate its website into some of the main languages used in internet communication around the world will be losing out to competitors who took the wise move and paid for professional translation services.

Emphasizing localisation of a product does not necessarily mean that’s the best way to move a company forward. The local market is always limited while reaching out to the global market is limitless. Many companies in the U.S., for example, emphasized the local market more in the 2008 economic downturn than normal, but they didn’t take into account the fact that up to 20% of U.S. households speak a language other than English.

It’s always warming for a person who is not living in their country of birth to hear some dialogue going on in their native language. It might be a surprise to know that for 60% of Californian households English is not their native language.

It seems that the top 100 U.S. retailers still fail to get their websites translated into a second language, in spite of the fact that more than 70% of the Earth’s 2.3 billion users of the Internet are not English native speakers and quite a number of them live in their own backyard.

Every language that is used to market products through a website inevitably attracts more customers. The more languages there are, the better. Research published by the Harvard Business Review notes indicates that 9 out of 10 Europeans prefer to search for information and compare products using their own native languages. An adviser who specializes in translation services in Australia has discovered that visitors will remain on a site far longer if it is written in their own language.

It doesn’t take too much to engage the expertise of NAATI translator in Australia to get your business moving into the global market, as well as attracting non-English speakers in the local market too.

What is the meaning of terms used in the translation industry?

The translation industry can sometimes sweep new entrants off their feet with all the jargon used in the industry such as “translation company”, “translation agency”, “localization agency”, as well as “Language Services Provider” (LSP).

Language Services Provider (LSP) is a term used for conference presentations as it basically goes beyond simply just translating, but it implies other services related to translation, such as oral and written translations.

The term “translation agency” is more traditional and covers translation services and is usually interchangeable with “localization agency” or “translation company”. A translation agency generally offers translation services and provides management skills for clients.

Interpreters and desktop publishers who are multilingual, website and software translation are all part of the services provided by a translation agency which can also be called a Localization Agency, Globalization Services Provider, or Language Service Provider. A translation agency provides professional translation services by a NAATI translator in Australia. NAATI is the officially accredited accreditation authority for a translation agency that provides high-quality translation services in Australia.

You may be wondering what the word “translation” really means. Quite simply, it means the communication of one language text into another language where the true meaning of the source text is maintained. This translation is undertaken by a single translator or if the text requires multiple translation skills a translation team.

Copywriting, or put in another form, transcreation, is performed by skilled trans creators copy write text into a target language, while a translator accurately translates the required content into the target language. Multilingual assignments that require persuasive or marketing text may require copywriting as in certain situations translated text may need to be rewritten so that the message is more persuasive, accurate, and appropriate to the targeted culture.

Localization as defined by the Localization Industry Standards Association is the taking of a product and ensuring it is culturally and linguistically appropriate to the target region or country where the product is to be marketed.

Translation Memory is a very important translation product as it is a memory technology that permits translation services in Australia to both stores and reuses target language words and terms for all types of translation projects. Translation teams make use of tools for translation memory that create and maintain translation memories as well as multilingual glossaries.

Why Translators Should Go to Non/Translation Conferences

As a translator, or as a translation services provider in Australia, you are going to learn about as much at a non translation conference as at a conference specifically for translators. This is because at, say a NAATI translators’ conference you only meet translators, while at conferences specializing in the area you have chosen to specialize in you meet potential clients who are looking for new ways to market effectively.

perevodTranslation services in Australia are a burgeoning industry and a competitive one too. If your services are not known about you won’t get many translation jobs to do. This makes marketing your services to potential clients very important and there is no better place to do this than attending a conference for marketers. Marketers at a marketing conference are there to market their products. A translator attending a marketing conference is doing just that.

What can a non-translators conference do for you?

1.It can improve your level of expertise, so if you are a specialist marketing NAATI translator you will get to know about current tactics in marketing strategies and language used which you will need to translate appropriately between your pair languages. If you are a legal translator attending a legal conference will have its advantages.

2.Most conferences have social media links to Facebook and Twitter and this gives you the chance to connect with others and showcase your skills. You will be surprised that translation is a sought after skill and you showcasing your skills through social media contacts will open new job openings. It will also give you the chance to promote human translators as opposed to machine translations.

3.Once you have made some contacts at a conference you can go about educating them about what translators do and how important it is to have the best translation possible done of any marketing materials which gives a product status. Many businesses use tools like Google translate, not realizing that these poorer quality translators don’t provide a good translation.

4.Meeting new clients is always a side benefit when attending a conference, especially when it’s to do with your specialism. So often, clients don’t get to meet real people from their chosen certified translation service, as it’s all done online.